6 Black Women Shirts Worth Gifting This Christmas Holiday
It’s almost that time of the year. The time of giving and receiving. Let’s face it, there is no better time to shop than the Christmas season!
Why not make this season one your loved ones will never forget with apparel that reflect who you are what you stand for – unapologetically Black. Being Black is a beautiful thing and there is no better way to celebrate it than to wear your Blackness unapologetically everywhere you go.
We countdown the best 25 unapologetically black apparel worth wearing gifting this Christmas season for yourself or your loved one
Let’s start shopping!
1) Brown Skin Girl Shirt – My Black Clothing
This shirt will make an awesome gift for a Beyonce fan. Inspired by the song, this shirt will remind you that you are a brown skin girl and your skin shines like pearls. Rock these with some jeans and heels and you’ll be jiving like Beyonce in no time. Use discount code MYMLNN10 for 10% OFF.
Check out this fall OOTD by @karrill. She styled her brown skin girl shirt with a pair of golden pants to make the design of the shirt really pop.
This shirt will make the perfect gift for your fellow melanin friend because of the message it portrays. In a world where googling beautiful woman shows only white women, black women need that reminder that yes they are beautiful both inside and out. The message behind the phrase Brown Skin Girl touched the souls of many, young and old. Oprah Mag described Brown Skin Girl as "unapologetically and fearlessly Black, hitting on a topic that society still hesitates to approach because of how complicated the topic is. Colorism is a deeply rooted issue in the Black community that goes back to slavery, when plantation owners separated worked by skin tone between the fields and the house. Fast forward more than 400 years, and colorism is still alive and well."
A gift of this shirt could be a reminder of the change we need in society and could change the narrative of how we need to view our black women.
2) Melanin Popping Shirt – My Black Clothing
There is no better way to celebrate your melanin than with this awesome tribal shirt. Melanin is an essence of coolness, empowerment, pride, and excitement of black people. This is the perfect everyday casual fit for you or your loved one. Use discount code MYMLNN10 for 10% OFF.
Melanin Poppin is an essence of coolness, empowerment, pride, and excitement of black poeple. It is a way for the black community to describe all the cool things associated with being black.
If you feel your melanin shines bright, this is the perfect t shirt for you. It is made with beautiful one of a kind tribal colors which illustrate the culture, pride and heritage of black people.
This shirt can be styled with your favourite hoop earings as in the image above and finished off with a skirt or a pair of jeans.
3) Love Thy Black Culture / Love Thy Black Everything – My Black Clothing
Yes! Today’s culture is very much influences by black culture so why not celebrate that. This shirt is for those who love my black culture and all it’s glory. Use discount code MYMLNN10 for 10% OFF.
Recently, we have seen a lot of light being shed on black culture. In recent years, Black Panther was the highlight of black culture on a global platform.
Still, we must not forget that black culture encompasses many things. Some of which include how black people dress, talk, walk, sing, share, laugh and more!
The narrative that black culture has been taking thanks to social media has been very clear - black culture cannot be stopped and it is here to stay.
4) Being Black is Not a Crime Shirt – My Black Clothing
In a time in which we see so much police brutality, this shirt speaks volumes. Being Black is not a Crime T shirt is the perfect t shirt to say enough is enough! Use discount code MYMLNN10 for 10% OFF.
The numbers don't lie! About 1 in 1,000 black men and boys in America can expect to die at the hands of police, according to a new analysis of deaths involving law enforcement officers. That makes them 2.5 times more likely than white men and boys to die during an encounter with cops.
And it doesn't stop there, innocent black civilians are harassed daily simply because of the color of their skin.
This shirt is the perfect statement to claim your blackness unapologetically and let the world know that yes you are human and yes your skin color is not a crime!
5) Melanin is My Super Power, What’s Yours? – My Black Clothing
Yep! If you didn’t know already, you know now. Melanin is a Super Power! It can turn heads, sweep men of their feet and if you’re not careful, make you fall in love. This shirt will make you appreciate you skin color and let you love yourself even more. Buy for your friend or loved one! Use discount code MYMLNN10 for 10% OFF.
Queens! Your truest superpowers are the ones you possess! Reveal your melanin superpowers with this awesome tee!
6) Love Thy Curls Shirt – My Black Clothing
For curly hair enthusiasts, this shirt will make you love your curly hair even more. This is one of our best selling t shirts! It also comes in a sweater and in various other forms. Check out these influencers who have been proudly rocking their curls with this shirt
@JessCreationss: Jess loves her natural hair and wants to inspire you to love yours too! She's only been natural for 2 years but has learned a lot about keeping your hair natural and healthy! She creates cute hairstyles on her own hair that anyone can do and also recreates celebrity hairstyles. She makes videos to show you that there are many hairstyles that you can create with only your natural hair, that will make you feel confident and beautiful!
@krazykoolkeasiia: Keasia's channel consist of showing her audience how she takes care of her natural hair. She provide hair tips, reviews, hairstyles and diy videos, that all pertaining to growing long, healthy natural hair.
@lindabhurd: Linda Lynn is Natural hair Lover from New Orleans, Louisiana. She has over 34K subscribers on youtube and over 10k subscribers on instagram. Her audience enjoys her videos on natural hairstyle, product reviews and more! Subscribe to her youtube channel and instagram account for more awesome content!
@lifewithjo_: Joann Sims is natural hair entusiast and a brand influencer. She has over 31K subscribers on instagram and makes amazing content on natural hair care! Her audience enjoys her videos and pictures on natural hairstyle, product reviews and more! Follow her instagram @lifewithjo_.
@naturalhairme: As a natural hair enthusiast, she has wowed thousands of people with her beautiful curly fro hairstyle. @Naturalhairme is a content creator on instagram with well over 3K followers and a faithful audience. She regularly gets features on natural hair pages, and sites due to her unique style.
There you have it! 6 powerful shirts worth buying for a black woman this Holiday Season!
Which one is your favourite? Comment below.