3 Proven Alopecia Areata Natural Hair Treatments Methods For Black Women To Learn About Now!
Alopecia Areata is a is a common autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss. For most patients, the condition resolves itself without treatment within a year, but hair loss is sometimes permanent.
Currently treatment options consist of steriods such as corticosteriods, and surgery which can have harmful side effects. Natural remedies are the next best option and although there isn't enough scientific evidence to back their success rate, many have turned to them for their benefits. Here are some scientifically proven natural hair treatments for alopecia areata to try.
1) Essential Oils

In a double blind placebo controlled trial, a team examined the use of a aggregate of assorted important oils and placebo oil on 86 people who had been stricken by alopecia areata. The mixture included thyme, rosemary, lavender and cedarwood essential oils, which where mixed with carrier oils of jojoba and grapeseed. The mixture would then be implemented to the scalp daily and it was the control group that used only the carrier oil for their daily massage.
The test went on for a total of seven months and after this time,19 of the 43 people (44%) who used vital oil mixture showed any development to the hair on their scalps in comparison to only 6 of the 41 people (15%) who have been within the control organization.
The below video is a perfect example of alopecia areata treatment using essential oils.
2) Onion Juice
A study by Dermatology studied the effectiveness of onion juice compared to a placebo on a test institution of humans with alopecia areata. Of the people being studied 23 of them had been requested to apply onion juice to the scalp twice daily for two months while the other 15 applied water twice daily for 2 months.
The study confirmed that people in the onion juice test organization started grow hair after using the remedy for two weeks and by the time four weeks had passed 17 of them (73.9%) had began to show few hair growth. Then via the 6th week, a total of 20 of the patients (86.9%) in the onion juice showed hair growth as well. It was noted that men had higher amounts of hair growth the experiment group than the women and at some point of the complete 8 week ( month) trial most effective two humans in the control group experience hair growth.
Below is a real life example of how to use the onion juice method to treat alopecia areata:
3) All natural DHT Blocking Vitamins

Kiierr's popular DHT blocking natural vitamins improve scalp circulation, block DHT & promote hair growth. Includes Saw Palmetto, Horsetail Extract & Zinc formula helps slow/inhibit 5-AR enzyme conversion to DHT (primary cause of hair loss).
- All natural ingredients
- Enhanced with Vitamin B-6, Biotin, Folic Acid
- Ideal for supplementing hair loss or thinning hair regimen
- Contains Soy & Shellfish
Kiierr DHT Blocking Hair Growth Vitamins
Kiierr DHT Blocking Vitamins help naturally block or inhibit DHT using Horsetail Extract, Folic Acid, Vitamin B, and Saw Palmetto. Nettle has been used to treat hereditary hair loss or BPH. It does this by helping slow the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Saw Palmetto has been shown to lower the levels of DHT in both men and women. It does this by blocking the main enzyme called 5 alpha reductase. Unlike other harsh treatments DHT vitamins are all natural and gentle.
Zinc is important for healthy hair. Insufficient zinc levels may result in loss of hair, hair that looks thin and dull and that goes grey early. There are also a number of dandruff shampoos which contain zinc to help prevent dandruff. Everyone needs zinc. Children need zinc to grow, adults need zinc for health.
DHT Hair Growth Vitamins
Biotin, Folic Acid & Saw Palmetto have been shown to:
– Dissipate accumulation of DHT
– Improve scalp health and circulation
– Encourage new growth by helping remove barriers to blood flow
Another active ingredient is Saw Palmetto that produces fatty acids and sterols which can stop the creation of 5 alpha reductase which can build-up around the base of the hair follicle. They also helps loosen build up on the scalp that reduces and restricts micro-circulation and capillary blood flow and delivery of vital nutrients and minerals to the follicle papilla and cuticle. Beta sitosterol in Saw Palmetto can help prolong and initiate normal hair growth stages by stimulating increased restricted by enzyme accumulation in both men and women.
Other ingredients in Nourish DHT Blocker Vitamins are Folic Acid, Horsetail Extract, and Barley Grass Juice that are used in shampoos and supplements to help slow hair loss and thinning. There have been observations indicating Biotin has sped up hair growth and new development once DHT has been arrested for a period of time.
Horsetail for hair growth contains the mineral silica or silicon, which works to strengthen your bones, as well as your nails and hair.
Not only can this mineral make your hair strong, but it can also improve the sheen and texture of it as well. Horsetail also contains selenium, a mineral that is essential for the proper growth of your hair, as it helps your body process iodine, which regulates hair growth as well.
Barley Grass: This is basically the seedling of the barley plant which is consumed in the form of young leaves and is rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is rich in chlorophyll that detoxifies your body from harmful toxins.
Barley contains all the vital nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber as well as vitamins and antioxidants that are vital for hair health and offers the following hair care benefits, promotes hair growth, combats hair loss, and restores hair color.
Folic Acid is beneficial for healthy hair growth. Folic acid helps all of your tissues grow and various cells work. These tissues include skin, hair, nails and organs. A folic acid deficiency can lead to gray hair, mouth ulcers, peptic ulcers, swollen tongue and poor growth, including poor hair growth.
Also check out the DHT blocking shampoo, Conditioner for Hair Growth, and Biotin Gummies to add to your hair growth supplement routine.