11 Best Juneteenth Shirts in 2025 & Juneteenth Events to Wear Them To

Juneteenth is just around the corner and you may be wondering, where can I find the best Juneteenth shirts to wear at upcoming Juneteenth events in 2025? Well don’t sweat it! This blog will breakdown the best Juneteenth shirts to wear in 2025 and some of the biggest Juneteenth Events in 2025 to wear your shirts to.
So what is Juneteenth anyway? Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. Many also refer to this day as Emancipation Day, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Black Independence Day, or Juneteenth Independence Day.
Thanks to growing awareness of the holiday, on June 17, 2021, Juneteenth became a federal holiday in the United States under President Joe Biden.
In 2025, Juneteenth is a time reflect and learn to never repeat a very troubled past. It is also a time to honor African American, their contributions to American history and society, their culture, activism, and more! Juneteenth is traditionally celebrated with picnics, barbecues, family reunions, parades, festivals, and cookouts.
In celebration of this important day, My Black Clothing is proud to present these unique and awesome Juneteenth T shirt ideas for your Juneteenth celebratory occasions. Here are the best black owned Juneteenth T shirts for 2024 for any Juneteenth event.
Juneteenth Pan African Flag Shirt - Embroidery Unisex T Shirt
Juneteenth Flag Shirt - Embroidery Unisex T Shirt is a popular Juneteenth shirt that features the Pan African flag – red, black and green. The red represents, the bloodshed, the black represents the people and the green represents the land. This shirt is a great option for Juneteenth events and everyday occasion.
Juneteenth Black owned Shirt - Funny Meme Shirt – Unisex Shirt
If you are looking to celebrate Juneteenth with fun and laughter, this shirt will do the trick! It features a remake of the famous Batman Slapping Robin to recognize Juneteenth as the real independence day. This shirt is sure to turn head, and make a few laugh, or not. Regardless, it is bound to start the conversation of an important time in history.
Juneteenth - June 19, 1865 - Unisex T Shirt
Juneteenth – June 19, 1865 – Unisex shirt is great for educating people that Independence Day is actually June 19, 1865, and not July 4, 1776 or January 1st 1863. This is why on the shirt, June 19, 1865 is not crossed out. This shirt is a great option for your next Juneteenth event. This shirt can be well paired with jeans, a skirt, or chinos pants. You can also add accessories such as beaded necklaces and more to your outfit.
Juneteenth Freedom Day Free-ish Shirt - Unisex T Shirt
This Juneteenth Freedom Day Free-ish shirt shows the timeline of Juneteenth. July 4th marked the Independence Days for America, however slavery was still in effect, hence not everyone was “independent”. January 1st 1863, marked the day in which Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation to free slaves but not all slaves were freed in some southern states. June 19th 1865 marked the day in which the last slaves in Texas were freed. Even though slavery ended on June 19th, many events have transpired towards African Americans which showed that many still did not feel completely free. Although slavery is abolished, it somewhat still existed back then in other forms such as segregation, in laws, and the lack of rights for African Americans. African Americans were still viewed as unequal after June 19th 1865 and as such, some feel they are free-ish.
Juneteenth Definition Shirt – Unisex Shirt
Juneteenth Definition Shirt – Unisex Shirt showcases the definition of Juneteenth according to Dictionary.com. Juneteenth is Juneteenth is a celebration of African-American freedom. It commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19th every year. It commemorates the abolition of slavery in the United States and recognizes that freedom for African Americans came after two years later after it was proclaimed.
Juneteenth Ancestors Shirt – Unisex Shirt
This Juneteenth Ancestry shirt describes the fact that Independence should actually be June 19th, 1865 and not July 4th, 1776 since not everyone was free or independent on July 4th, 1776. This shirts is great to take a bold stand against July 4th and educate others on Juneteenth. Wear this shirt proudly to picnics, festivals and more
Black History is American History Shirt
While this shirt is more suited for Black History, it is still relevant to Juneteenth.Juneteenth marks the end of slavery and hence, this shirt can serve as a reminder that our history did not start with slavery. Rock this shirt for both, everyday, for Black History, or for Juneteenth.
Black History is American History Shirt
Celebrate Juneteenth with a subtle reminder that Black History is American History. This shirt wears well for Juneteenth and Black History events.
Black Culture Shirt - Black Owned
Rock this Black Culture shirts at your next Juneteenth event. This affordable t shirt is sure to turn heads and started a debate about the topic.
Pro Black Shirt - Black Owned
The Pro Black Shirt is designed to make you feel like a boss, while still looking good. Made from the finest cotton and polyester, the Pro Black Shirt will keep you comfortable all day long.
Legend Be Like - Black History Timeline Shirt - Black Owned
This Black history t shirt commemorates African Americans that have had an impact on Black history. It breaks down pivotal achievements by African American men and women in history in a humorous and clever way.
Biggest Juneteenth Events in 2024 to Wear Your Juneteenth Shirts
Looking Juneteenth events near me to rock your Juneteenth shirts with pride? We’ve got you covered! In the weeks and days leading up to Juneteenth, many states and cities are hosting parades, dances, festivals and more to learn and celebrate more about the Juneteenth in 2022. Here are some of the biggest Juneteenth events in U.S in 2022 to rock your Juneteenth shirts proudly.
Juneteenth Events near Georgia
Event: Juneteenth Celebration
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Douglass High School Campus, 115 Forrest St., Thomasville GA 31792
Website: https://sgaconnections.com/event/juneteenth-celebration-2022/
Description: This free community-wide event includes live entertainment, food, a car show, vendors, and more. For vendor information or more details, please email JuneteenthofThomasville@gmail.com.
Juneteenth Events near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Event: Juneteenth Celebrating Freedom Day
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Various Parks
Website: https://www.minneapolisparks.org/activities__events/events/juneteenth/
Description: Join MPRB and the Juneteenth Community Board to commemorate Juneteenth with a week of activities in various parks. Celebrate Juneteenth with thousands at your local Minneapolis park. Events may include concerts, music, dancing, food trucks, kids playgrounds, vendors and more!
Juneteenth Events near Texas
Event: McKinney Juneteenth Celebration
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: McKinney Main Street
Website: https://www.mckinneytexas.org/3366/Juneteenth-Celebration
Description: Join locals at McKinney Texas to celebrate Juneteenth and a day of culture experiences, learning and fun for the whole family. Enjoy morning fitness, kids zones, live entertainment, food and more!
Event: Nick Cannon Presents: MTV Wild N Out Live
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Dos Equis Pavilion, 3809 Grand Avenue Dallas, TX 75210
Website: https://www.fairpark.org/events/detail/nick-cannon-wildnout
Description: Nick Cannon Presents: Wild ‘N Out Live Tour is coming to Texas in 2022. The show is live run and will mix up comedy, variety, and game show elements all in one for fans of the improv/competition show.
Event: Texas Black Invitational Rodeo
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Fair Park Coliseum, 3809 Grand Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210
Website: https://www.fairpark.org/events/detail/juneteenth-celebration-2022
Description: Join us for the inaugural Juneteenth Celebration, March and Festival at William Blair Jr. Park with a three-and-a-half-mile march and end at Fair Park, with a festival featuring a Negro League Baseball exhibit, a health & wellness expo, music performances, and other various activities. All programs and activities are free and open to the public!
Juneteenth Events near Denver, Colorado
Event: Juneteenth Music Festival - Denver
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Five Points neighborhood, 605 26th Street, Dallas, TX 75210
Website: https://www.uncovercolorado.com/events/juneteenth-music-festival/
Description: The 11th annual Juneteenth Music Festival is held in the Five Points neighborhood from Friday thru Sunday, June 17th – 19th, 2022. This event is chock-full of live music, merchandise vendors, food stalls, art murals, activities for kids, and even a parade in celebration of Juneteenth. This year’s music lineup is still TBD.
Juneteenth Events near Cincinnati, Ohio
Event: Celebrate Juneteenth
Date: TBA
Time: various times
Location: 6242 orchard Lane Cincinnati, OH 45213
Website: http://juneteenthcincinnati.org/entertainment/
Description: Enjoy various Juneteenth events. Join in raising the Juneteenth flag. Enjoy art, food, fun, performances and more.
Juneteenth Events near Charlotte, North Carolina
Event: Juneteenth Festival of the Carolinas
Date: TBA
Time: various times
Location: In the heart of Plaza Midwood
Website: https://www.juneteenthofthecarolinas.com/
Description: Enjoy various Juneteenth events including dance circles, youth camps, prayer, clothing ceremony, history, fun, games, dancing, performances and more.
Event: North Carolina Juneteenth Festival
Date: TBA
Time: 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: In the heart of Plaza Midwood
Website: https://www.cabarrusarena.com/events/2022/north-carolina-juneteenth-festival
Description: The 2022 North Carolina Juneteenth Festival themed "Educating, Empowering, Entertaining" will feature 40 black-owned companies. Crafts, culture, performances, arts, kids games, information and more are some of what attendees can expect. Free giveaways, discounts, and coupons make the vendor shopping experience like no other. Come support black business and black excellence. This is a family friendly, free event!
Event: 2022 Juneteenth Festival
Date: TBA
Time: 1:00PM to 8:00PM
Location: Innovation Quarter – Biotech Place and Bailey Park
Website: https://triadculturalarts.org/index.php/juneteenth-2/
Description: Join others in celebrating Freedom day with fun activities, performances, vendors, youth, crafts and more.
Juneteenth Events near North Carolina
Event: Canton MS Juneteenth 5K Freedom Run/Walk
Date: TBA
Time: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: 147 North Union Street, Canton, MS, USA
Website: https://www.cantonjuneteenth.com/
Description: Runners or walk with family and friends through various historical sites in Canton, Mississippi.
Juneteenth Events near South Carolina
Event: Juneteenth Family Fest
Date: TBA
Time: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Location: Riverfront Park 1061 Everglades Avenue, North Charleston, SC
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/juneteenth-family-fest-charleston-2022-tickets-210598314227
Description: Join friends and family at the 2nd Annual Juneteenth Family Fest. The event is open and free to the public. This day-long celebration will include live performances, art, games, and food and more! There will also be non-profit organizations, local community service vendors, as well as historical black colleges and universities on site. O, and let’s not forget the fireworks!
Event: Low County Juneteenth Week
Date: TBA
Time: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Location: Jenkins Institute
Website: https://lowcountryjuneteenthweek.com/
Description: Enjoy a week long of fun from June 13 to 19 in Low County South Carolina with large-scale festival featuring live performances, food trucks, and more
Event: Roots of Soul
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Website: https://rootofsoulfestival.com/
Description: Root of Soul: J19th Fest is an immersive, two day festival to celebrate African American emancipation and the vibrant culture that grew from that celebratory event.
Juneteenth Events near Michigan
Event: 2nd Annual Madison Heights Juneteenth Celebration
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Civic Center Park
Website: https://madisonheightsjuneteenth.com/
Description: Enjoy Education, food, music and shopping, be a vendor, donate (raffle items/money), or volunteer.
Juneteenth Events near Mississippi
Event: Canton MS Juneteenth 5K Freedom Run/Walk
Date: TBA
Time: 7:00 AM
Location: 147 North Union Street, Canton, MS, USA
Website: https://www.cantonjuneteenth.com/
Description: Runners or walk with family and friends through various historical sites in Canton, Mississippi.
Juneteenth Events near South Colorado Springs
Event: Canton MS Juneteenth 5K Freedom Run/Walk
Date: TBA
Time: All day
Location: AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Park in Colorado Springs
Website: https://www.csjuneteenthfestival.com/?fbclid=IwAR2bCYEpQuNZafh3dKf-tnA0xdu4DnSvEDVxIZhXcJazrOQqz3l_CGhgTnk
Description: Southern Colorado Juneteenth Festival is the biggest celebration of inclusion to ever be held at AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Park in Colorado Springs. Our mission is to bring together people from every background and community for a time of celebration, music and family fun. Enjoy 5k run, Zumba, car shows, fashion shows, live music and more!
Juneteenth Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
What is Juneteenth?
The story of Juneteenth dates back to January 1st, 1863. On this date, during the civil war between Confederate and Union states, Abraham Lincoln issued an Emancipation Proclamation to free those enslaved in Confederate states. Unfortunately, this proclamation did not immediately free all those slaved. The proclamation only applied to those under Confederate states of America and not areas under Union control (mostly the southern states). As a result, many slaveholders migrated with slaves to southern states such as Texas to escape the fighting and continue slavery. Eventually, the war made its way to the south, and with the successful defeat and surrender of the Confederal General in Chief and the Confederate Army of the Trans-Mississippi, the end of slavery was now in clear view. With the arrival of General Granger’s arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865, the emancipation proclamation was enforced and the remaining 250,000 enslaved people were freed.
When was the first Juneteenth celebration?
The earliest celebration of Juneteenth was June 19, 1866 and drew in crowds in the 1000s to 100s of thousands years after to celebrate the freedom from slavery.
Will Juneteenth be a paid holiday?
Since Juneteenth is a federal holiday, it will be a paid holiday for most federal workers.
Is Juneteenth a national holiday?
Yes, on June 17, 2021, Juneteenth officially became a federal holiday.
Who gets Juneteenth off?
Most federal employees will get the day off. Currently, it is a paid holiday in Texas, New York, Virginia, Washington and Illinois
Why is it called Juneteenth
Juneteenth is a combinations of June and nineteenth. The day in which the last slaves in Texas were freed.
How is Juneteenth pronounced?
Juneteenth is pronounces joon-tee-nth.
Why is Juneteenth important?
Juneteenth is important because it recognizes and important in history in which the last slaves were freed. There is a misconception that slavery ended when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan 1, 1863. However, this is not true as it wasn’t until 2 years later when all slaves in America were completely free.
What are Juneteenth colors?
Juneteenth colors are red, blue and white. This is not to be confused with red, green and black which is the official pan African colors.
Which day is Juneteenth in 2024?
Juneteenth in 2024 is on Wednesday.
Why Juneteenth instead of emancipation day?
It is called Juneteenth instead of emancipation day because the emancipation proclamation occurred in January 1st, 1863. At this time, not all slaves were freed. On the other hand, the June 19, 1865 marked the day, the last slaves in Texas were freed. This is why, it is called Juneteenth. Some people still refer to Juneteenth as emancipation day.
Where is Juneteenth celebrated?
Juneteenth is mostly celebrated in the United States. Many cities in USA host events at various venues and parks as part of the celebration
Which states is Juneteenth not a holiday?
Currently, Juneteenth is a holiday in Texas, New York, Virginia, Washington and Illinois.